
Are you ready to transform your body?" or "Create your dream body?

Discover The Revolutionary

Women Over 40 Are Using To Shed
Body FAT like a Athlete

Super-Charge Your Fat Loss Journey Today with StrongWomenFitness 28 Day
Health And Fitness Challenge

How I Completely Transformed My Body,
Wellbeing And Health…
Even After Having 4 Kids!

Stop me if this sounds familiar…

You start Monday off with energy and determination, ready to crush your body composition goals.

You say to yourself, “This is the week that everything changes!”

by Wednesday work has got hectic, housework is piling up, and you’ve just been told that the kids are having a fancy dress day – tomorrow.

I get it- I’ve been there!

For years, I was living my life at 70%; never achieving my full potential, and wishing things would change.

I spent precious hours criticizing myself, and my self talk was filled with a million excuses

It’s too late to lose weight, now that I’m over 40…”

“I can’t reach my lose the belly fat goals because I’ve had kids…”

“I’m too busy to meal prep and I don’t have time to exercise regularly…”

And you know what? This negative outlook became a self-fulfilling prophecy!

For the longest time, nothing I did seemed to work…

I joined gyms, started diets, enrolled in classes, denied myself treats, drank gallons of water…and yet, I was still sitting in my car outside the gym in tears.

I didn’t have the energy to do the things I loved and I didn’t like what I saw when I looked in the mirror.

So, what did I do? I turned back to food to feel better!

Unfortunately, this created a vicious cycle that just kept repeating itself. And for years, I felt trapped in its clutches.

After an eternity of trying almost EVERY diet on the market, punishing myself with grueling workouts, and failing to make any progress…

…the penny finally dropped.

I FINALLY unlocked the KEY to a healthier, happier me… and I’ve never looked back!

And okay… that’s amazing for ME…

But what does this all mean for YOU?

I finally unlocked the key to a healthier happier me…and I’ve never looked back.
And now: I’m going to show you how to do the same.

That’s why I’m here to share my hard-earned knowledge with you.

But…before I get to that, I want to address the three BIGGEST myths women hold about losing fat and Sustainable body transformation…

(…so, this way, you can ditch the misinformation from the get-go!)

The Top 3 Fatloss Myths Holding You Back

Myth #1 – It’s Too Late for Me to Get in Shape

I hear this one all the time! Many women think that once they hit 40…they just can’t get in shape anymore.

The common belief is that it’s MUCH harder to shift those stubborn LBs when you hit this age…

…(And that it’s harder to stay in shape and remain fit).

I’m here to tell you that this is a MYTH!

As you get older, you will need to change the way you eat in order to keep your hormones balanced, and your body happy.

The key to long-term, sustainable results is to understand these new nutrition requirements, and use them to make changes to your diet.

In short? It’s DEFINITELY not “too late” to lose fat!

Myth #2 – I Can’t Get Results Because I’ve Had Kids

I was guilty of this one!

For years, I believed that I’d never see results because I’d had four children. I bought into the lie that once you’ve had kids, your body is ‘ruined’…

Fortunately, I was able to prove myself WRONG!

In fact, I was able to get into the BEST shape of my life after having my kids… and it wasn’t the impossible, up-hill struggle I had imagined.

Unfortunately, this is a myth I see holding many capable, strong women back…

And ditching this limiting belief is a GREAT first step to revolutionizing your way of thinking and gaining that bad ass attitude and shedding the fat

Your body is amazing… It brought children into this world- it can do anything!

Myth #3 – I Don’t Have the Time

Speaking of limiting beliefs… this is a pretty big one too!

Women are busy! We wear a million hats, and we spend so much time looking after everyone else…

It’s no wonder we struggle to find time for ourselves!

But when we do…

We end up feeling our best, bursting with energy and living a life we love.

We will be engaged with the world, excited to try new adventures, and ready to take on any challenge?

But there’s still a catch (and a major roadblock most women face…)

Unfortunately, even when we DO dedicate a few hours every week to our health…it’s not always easy to get started.

time is precious; and you don’t want to spend it confused, intimidated and overwhelmed. Let me tell you a secret: you don’t have to.

Fortunately, there’s An Easier Way To Get Started On
Your fatloss journey

So, don’t worry if you’re a mom, if you’re over 40, or if you have NO idea about fitness and nutrition… because I’ve done the trial-and-error, so you don’t have to!

This Is for You If…

28 Day fatloss Challenge

In as little as 28-Days, you can shedding that unwanted FAT

No catch, not plenty …. its a huge amount of help

My program is designed for women over 40, who are struggling to shift stubborn LB’s and want to transform their bodies and their mindset.

Combining my keto nutrition addapted way with a proven workout routine, this is the EXACT method I used to jump-start my personal weight-loss journey.

You’ll get access to daily meal plans for all 28 days, comprehensive workout plans, recipes, grocery lists and SO much more!

Simple to use, day by day and created by a REAL woman (who’s gone through these exact struggles)…this program is designed to help YOU unlock your inner warrior woman and shed that FAT…

(I promise she’s in there, just waiting to show the world what she’s made of!).

No more stressing about what to eat and when everythng is done for you.

No more worrying about what to eat, and which diet to follow to get results.

(balancing out your hormones so allowing your body to shred the fat).

What People Are Saying About

“Amazing changes for me since meeting with Angela. Her advice and knowledge have set me on such a positive path. From what exercises work best for me to dietary guidance and what supplements my body needs she’s always there to encourage me and keep me focused. Can’t thank her enough! ”

-Chloe Louise King

“If you're thinking about doing one of Angela's coaching programs, Do It! She understands the dynamics of weight loss, the mindset that goes along w/ it & the challenges every busy woman faces. She's been in your shoes, has a proven track record & can get you where you want to go. Let her use her success to help you reach your goals.”

-Pat Fullingim

“I have just finished the 28 day plan I started at 10.6 and am now 9.9. I have not followed the plan 100% I haven’t managed to follow the exercise as much as in the plan I have only gone to the gym twice a week I can imagine that if I followed it to plan I would have a greater change to my body shape but I am still really happy at the amount I have lost I am going to continue for a bit longer as I was a bit naughty over Easter holidays, another 3lbs and I will have lost a stone”

Amber Little

Imagine Having The EXACT Blueprint
To Melt Body Fat!

What if you knew exactly what workout to do next, without stress or worry? What if you could FINALLY shred that fat, sculpting your dream body? What if you had the blueprint to the body of your dreams…and all you had to do was follow it?

Sounds pretty good, right?

Trust me, it is

Here’s What You’ll Get With
28-Day Challenge:

This program is a 4-week guide designed to get you in shape
and help YOU fall in love with yourself.

Keto Recipes And Meal Plans

You will receive exactly what to eat and when including all the meal plans and receipes and instructions on how to cook, exactly shopping lists , and store cupboard staples

Weekly Workout Routine

You’ll also receive a weekly workout plan with exact cardio, gym workouts and home workouts designed to help YOU constantly progress and challenge yourself in a linear pattern. This leads to steady, sustainable progress (plus, it’s pretty motivating!)

Supplement Education

Extensive information on supplements (how they work, whether you should use them, and when to take them for maximum benefit!).

How To Use This Program

This 28 day challenge is designed to help you shed fat fast, all while balancing and stabilising your hormones and helping you control your hunger.

Every single week, you’ll receive NEW information, nutritional meal-plans and workout routines.

Each week comes with the following key elements:

I will also, I will be with you every step of the way with handy hints, insider tips, and plenty of motivation to keep you going right until the end!

You’re receive daily emails and all your questions answered in the Facebook Group including LIVE trainings


But you won’t be paying anywhere NEAR that…

For an extremely limited time, you can get access to
My 28-Day fatloss Challenge


You Have 3 Options...

You could leave now and go back to feeling tired, stuck and unhappy, struggling to get results with
conventional methods...

You could take what you’ve learned and learn how to develop your own workout and nutritional plan...but it took me years to find the right formula!

You can make a great decision and transform your body today! No more stress, no more confusion…
just results!

The choice is yours…
Your Future Self Will Thank You!


See INCREDIBLE Results in Just 28 Days

Angela Little

For years, I was stuck feeling unhappy, dissatisfied and wildly unattractive in my body.

I would look in the mirror and feel waves of despair and disappointment.

After 4 kids, I just wasn’t satisfied with what I saw in myself… and I was determined to change things!

After years of hard-work, determination (and a LOT of mistakes), I finally cracked the code to creating sustainable change in my body and in my life.

I went from self-proclaimed, “overweight mom” to a champion bodybuilder (in the best shape of my life!).

And now, I want to share these EXACT methods with as many women as possible…

…and give you the support and “blueprint” I wished I had all those years ago!



Everyone’s body is different, but MANY women have had incredible success using these methods (myself included!), and I have full faith in what I teach.
Beginners are welcome! Whether you’re experienced at fitness, or brand-new, this program is designed to adapt to any skill level.
No, you don’t! I’ve created an alternative to every workout, so you can do it at home, or in the gym.
I’ve based this plan on the Keto diet. Why? Because this was the ONLY diet, I found that is both sustainable and results driven.
28 days of hard-work and good nutrition can do wonders for your body! It kick-starts your metabolism and helps shift LB’s quick


Always consult with a health professional before starting any new diet or workout program. No results, promises, or representations made anywhere on this website or in our marketing materials implies or guarantees your results.

All testimonials shared are real and verified by students/clients/participants of our programs/products. Your purchase of our products or programs does not guarantee the same results and any claims made here are only meant to be used as an estimate and examples of what’s possible. You may end up with better, worse, or the same results, depending on several factors, including your commitment to the program, fitness level, health, and other factors.

You accept and assume the entire risk of not getting the full return on your investment and always have the option to make use of any guarantees provided. There is no guarantee that any prior success you have had or past results with similar programs will predict future success. There is no guarantee of success if you have completed a previous version of this program/have upgraded to a newer version of the product.

Nothing shared here should replace professional health or fitness advice. You are responsible for doing your own due diligence about our product(s) or program(s) to determine whether this is suitable for you. You are responsible for contacting a doctor, health professional, or fitness coach before acting on any of this information.

The owner of this site and creator(s) of this product/program assume no responsibility or liability for any damages or losses incurred when you act upon the information provided in this program or in our marketing materials, including Facebook ads, emails, and other collateral where our opinions, ideas, or tips are shared and expressed.